PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT Part Information

Details for PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT by Microchip Technology


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Manufacturer: Microchip

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Part Features

  • Featuring nanoWatt XLP Technology ideal for battery applications PIC24FV productssupport 2.0V-5.5V operation PIC24F products support 1.8V-3.6V operation Typical nanoWatt XLP specifications include:
  • 20nA Deep Sleep mode ( Watch Webinar )
  • 25nA Sleep mode (RAM retention)
  • 500nA Real Time Clock & Calendar operation in Sleep modes
  • 400nA Watch Dog Timer operation in Sleep modes
  • 512 Bytes of Data EEPROM Other Low Power Specifications include:
  • 1uS wake-up from Sleep
  • 50nA I/O port leakage
  • 200uA at 1MHz Run mode
  • Power Modes: Run, Doze, Idle, Sleep, Deep Sleep
  • System Supervisors: Low Power BOR, WDT, INT0 and RTCC
  • Internal oscillator support - 31 kHz to 8 MHz, up to 32 MHz with 4X PLL
  • Fail-Safe Clock Monitor u2013 allows safe shutdown if clock fails CPU:
  • Up to 16 MIPS performance
  • Single Cycle Instruction Execution
  • 16 x 16 Hardware Multiply, & 32-bit x 16-bit Hardware Divider
  • C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set System Peripherals:
  • 12-bit Differential ADC, 16 channels, 100k samples per second, 16-deep result buffer
  • Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) enabling 16 channels of Capacitive Touch
  • Two Analog rail-to-rail comparators Peripherals
  • 2 UART Modules with LIN and IrDA support, 4 Deep FIFO
  • 2 SPI Modules with 8 Deep FIFO
  • 2 I2Cu2122 Modules with Master and Slave Modes
  • Hardware RTCC, Real-Time Clock Calendar with Alarms playyoutube2("hxcHJ0MTpVaAf2PjJBS-MVKLb6POL_F1") playyoutube2("hxcHJ0MTpVaAf2PjJBS-MVKLb6POL_F1")

Part Specifications

Family 16-bit MCU
Part Family PIC24F32KA304
Part Prefix PIC24
Architecture 16
Core 16-bit PIC MCU
MaxSpeed (MHz) 32
CPU Type 16-bit PIC MCU
Program Memory Type Flash
SelfWrite Yes
Program Memory Size (KB) 32
Program Memory Size (KWords) 10
Secure Bootloader (CodeGuard™ Security) Basic
RAM (bytes) 2048
Data EEPROM (bytes) 512
Emulated EEPROM in Flash True
Temp. Range Min. -40
Temp. Range Max. 125
Operation Voltage Min.(V) 1.8
Operation Voltage Max.(V) 5.5
Max I/O Pins 38
Pin Count 44
Brown Out Reset (BOR) BOR
Low Voltage Detection (LVD) LVD
Power On Reset (POR) Yes
Internal Voltage Reference (Bandgap) Yes
Internal Oscillator 8 MHz, 32 kHz
Low Power Yes
Number of Comparators 3
Comparator max speed (ns) 150
Number of ADCs 1
ADC Channels 16
Max ADC Sampling Rate (ksps) 100
Max ADC Resolution (bits) 12
Max ADC Sample/Hold (S/H) 1
SPI™ 2
I2C 2
Max 16 Bit Digital Timers 11
Max 32 Bit Digital Timers 5
Watch Dog Timers (WDT) Yes
Timers 11
Standalone Output Compare/ Standard PWM 3
Input Capture 3
Max # PWM outputs (including complementary outputs) 3
Number of PWM Time Bases 3
PWM Max Resolution (bits) 16
PWM Resolution (time ns) 15
Output Compare Channels 3
USB Interface None
Type of CAN module None
IrDA Yes
Ethernet None
Integrated Wireless Frequency None
Wireless Technology None
Parallel Port GPIO
Debug Interface ICSP
Keydifferences 3.3V, XLP
Include in Focus Product Selector Guide True
InstructionWord 24
Supported in MPLAB Code Configurator Yes
Temperature Range -40C to +85C

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT are listed in our Part Details tab. You can also find the PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT image and similar parts on this details page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT in the Pricing & Inventory tab next to part details. You can view PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT fall under?

The PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT is listed under PIC24F32KA304.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT when available in the PIC24F32KA304 range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

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Is the PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT RoHS compliant?

This part has not been flagged as RoHS Compliant.

Which authorised distributors for PIC24FV32KA304-I/PT have stock available?

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How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

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