ADF7242BCPZ Part Information

Details for ADF7242BCPZ by Analog Devices

Electronic & Electrical Components>Semiconductors - ICs>RF

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Part Features

  • Frequency range (global ISM band) 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz Programmable data rates and modulation IEEE 802.15.4-2006-compatible (250 kbps) GFSK/FSK/GMSK/MSK modulation 50 kbps to 2000 kbps data rates Low power consumption 19 mA (typical) in receive mode 21.5 mA (typical) in transmit mode (PO = 3 dBm) 1.7 u03bcA, 32 kHz crystal oscillator wake-up mode High sensitivity (IEEE 802.15.4-2006) u221295 dBm at 250 kbps High sensitivity (0.1% BER) u221296 dBm at 62.5 kbps (GFSK) u221293 dBm at 500 kbps (GFSK) u221290 dBm at 1 Mbps (GFSK) u221287.5 dBm at 2 Mbps (GFSK) Programmable output power u221220 dBm to +4.8 dBm in 2 dB steps Integrated voltage regulators 1.8 V to 3.6 V input voltage range Excellent receiver selectivity and blocking resilience Zero-IF architecture Complies with EN300 440 Class 2, EN300 328, FCC CFR47 Part 15, ARIB STD-T66 Digital RSSI measurement Fast automatic VCO calibration Automatic RF synthesizer bandwidth optimization On-chip low power processor performs Radio control Packet management Packet management support Insertion/detection of preamble/SWD/CRC/address IEEEE 802.15.4-2006 frame filtering IEEEE 802.15.4-2006 CSMA/CA unslotted modes Flexible 256-byte transmit/receive data buffer IEEEE 802.15.4-2006 and GFSK/FSK SPORT modes Fast settling automatic frequency control Flexible multiple RF port interface External PA/LNA support hardware Switched antenna diversity support Wake-up timer Very few external components Integrated PLL loop filter, receive/transmit switch, battery monitor, temperature sensor, 32 kHz RC and crystal oscillators Flexible SPI control interface with block read/write access Small form factor 5 mm u00d7 5 mm 32-lead LFCSP package

Part Specifications

Data Rate 2Mbps
RF / IF Modulation FSK GFSK
Frequency Min 2.4GHz
Frequency Max 2.4835GHz
Receiving Current 19mA
RF IC Case Style LFCSP
No. of Pins 32Pins
Supply Voltage Min 1.8V
Supply Voltage Max 3.6V
Transmitting Current 21.5mA
Output Power (dBm) 3dBm
Sensitivity dBm -95dBm
RF Transceiver Applications Automatic Meter Reading Wireless Sensor Networks Home and Building Automation
Operating Temperature Min -40°C
Operating Temperature Max 85°C
Product Range -
RoHS Phthalates Compliant Yes
SVHC No SVHC (07-Jul-2017)
RoHS Compliant

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a ADF7242BCPZ?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for ADF7242BCPZ are listed in our Part Details tab. You can also find the ADF7242BCPZ image and similar parts on this details page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for ADF7242BCPZ in the Pricing & Inventory tab next to part details. You can view ADF7242BCPZ price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does ADF7242BCPZ fall under?

The ADF7242BCPZ is listed under Electronic & Electrical Components > Semiconductors - ICs > RF.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to ADF7242BCPZ when available in the RF range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

Submit any questions directly to the customer support team of the distributor listing the product. For the ADF7242BCPZ you can contact the distributor directly for product support, shipping queries etc.

Is the ADF7242BCPZ RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by Farnell.

Which authorised distributors for ADF7242BCPZ have stock available?

There is no stock from authorised distributors for ADF7242BCPZ.

How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

Stock availability and lead times will be displayed for ADF7242BCPZ often in real-time on the comparison pages.

What if I can't find stock of ADF7242BCPZ?

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